Several have been visited with green-tinged visions in which Azhag sits astride a mighty Wyvern, an ominous iron crown on his brow from which an insistent voice whispers and mighty spells of Death emanate. Amongst these new followers were Shamans, both Goblin and Orc, and many of these have spoken of the strange and portentous aura that surrounds Azhag. Having established dominance over all competitors, he took control of his own mob and his exploits brought Greenskins flocking to his banner. Such are the lands in which Azhag rose to prominence. There is no safety amongst Orc kind, as the different tribes of Troll Country are bitter rivals, eager to destroy each other whenever they meet. Monsters and packs of trolls stalk that deadly land, while Chaos warbands raid from the North. All Orcs must fight to survive, but the tribes that dwell in Troll Country must endure particularly rigorous challenges. On the face of it, Azhag is an unremarkable Warboss, though this is in the context where ‘unremarkable’ describes a class of hulking individuals who have pummelled their way to the top in a culture where only the strongest survive.